No-Equipment Beginners Workout

For folks that are new to working out, it can be so daunting to get started! There’s so much information out there, and so many programs to choose from, it can be so overwhelming.

Well, let me make it easy for you! Below are four no-equipment home workouts you can do to get started working out today!

For absolute beginners to working out, I recommend doing short, relatively easy workouts frequently, rather than starting big and getting burnt out! This way, you will give your body time to adjust to doing new kinds of movements, and you’ll also be building the habit. Remember, fitness is a long game - you need to stay consistent to get results, so finding something that’s do-able and feels good will get you better results in the long term than going hard but not sticking with it!

Some people feel they aren’t read for group fitness classes until they get a baseline level of strength, so here’s a program to get ready!

For these beginners workouts, do 3-5 rounds of each set, with a 1-2 minute break in between each round. Don’t forget to warm up before and stretch after! And if you’re needing more assistance getting started, find a personal trainer to help you out with form, even if it’s just for a few sessions, or take some group exercise classes!

If something feels easy, try adding weight, reps, or time, if applicable! Try to do at the very least 2 workouts/week, but 3 or 4 would be best. Repeat these workouts in sequence for 6-8 weeks, then you’ll be ready to start building into a more robust program!

Click the exercises to see a video of each movement!

Workout A:

Goblet Squat: 10-15 reps

Lift & Chop: 8-12 reps/side

Bird-Dogs: 10-15 reps/side

Workout B:

Alternating Back Lunge: 8-12 reps/side

Incline Push Ups: 10-15 reps

Side Plank: 20-30s/side

Workout C:

Step-Ups: 10-15 reps/side

Walk Out to Plank: 8-12 reps

Prone Ws: 12-15 reps

Workout D:

Alternating Inverted Hamstring: 10-15 reps/side

Glute Bridge: 12-20 reps

Heel Touches or Dead Bug: 10-15 reps/side

These workouts should only take 30 minutes or so, including warm up and cool down. Try to plan your workouts into your schedule as if they were appointments you make with yourself. And if you don’t feel like working out that day, remind yourself why fitness is important to you! If you need more help getting started or learning the exercises, schedule a 15-minute video consultation with me to discuss how I can help you get started on your fitness journey!


My Five-Minute Full Body Warm Up


How to Get Started Working Out - Fitness Tips for Beginners