Stronger than Chronic Pain

Course Resource Index

While doing this program, it’s best to immerse yourself in media about chronic pain. Below is a consolidated list of all resources from each weekly module.

Week 1

    • Healing Back Pain, Dr. John Sarno - a basic and easy-to understand primer to mindbody conditions and how to heal them. In this book he outlines a very basic program. A good and quick first read. 

    • The Mindbody Prescription, Dr. John Sarno - an evolution of Dr. Sarno's theories that extend from musculoskeletal pain to a host of other conditions. 

    • Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, by Peter Levine - About why non-human animals don’t experience trauma, and offers a somatic practice for healing from traumatic events. An exercise in week 2 is based on the practice in this book. 

    • The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk - if you are still skeptical that trauma and emotions can cause physiological symptoms and mental illness, please check out this paradigm-shifting book. Honestly I recommend everyone read this book at some point, whether or not they are affected by chronic pain.

Week 2


Other Resources

  • It’s for You, Not Them: Forgive to Help Yourself Heal

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  • Why Is Forgiveness Important In Healing? (Written for folks in addiction recovery, but also applies to chronic pain)

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Week 3


Week 4


Week 5
