You’ve signed up for Online Coaching!

Here’s the resources you’ll need!


Warm Up and Cool Down Videos:


Exercise Start-Up Guide:


About the Program:

  • In order to give you the direction, accountability, and support that you need there are a couple of different facets to this program. I’ll briefly describe them here.

    First off, if you’ve reached this page, you have already chosen either Legendary Quest or Epic Journey, signed the contract, and paid for your first month. You’ve scheduled your 30 minute intake Zoom session, where I’ll gather the information I’ll use to start building your program.

    If you’ve chosen the Legendary Quest, I will be sending all 12 of your workouts to you within a week of our Zoom call.

    If you’ve chosen the Epic Journey, I’ll send you the first 4 or 6 weeks of your program (depending if you’re planning on 2 or 3 workouts/week), and we’ll schedule our next check-in appointment.

    Do not be surprised if your workouts are a bit repetitive – this is how we make progress, by working on the same things consistently. We will progress over time, but how quickly we progress is largely up to you: sticking with your program, working out every few days, getting enough sleep, and nourishing yourself well.

  • Workouts will be delivered to your email via the QuickCoach program.

    QuickCoach is designed to be super easy, no passwords or anything. Just bookmark the link in the email - that will always be your personal link to access your passwords.

    If you experience any problems accessing your account, please email me at

  • Your program is customized according to your needs/lifestyle, schedule, etc. Providing feedback is important to determine how your program will be designed. For example: which exercises were challenging, too easy, didn’t feel right, etc.

    If you’ve chosen the Legendary Quest, I’ll use your feedback when you circle back for a new program. If you chose Epic Journey, I’ll use your feedback at the end of each 4 to 6 week period to adjust and update your program for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

  • I’m here to help you reach your goals, but ultimately YOU are responsible for completing the workouts.

    I recommend writing your workouts into your schedule, just as if they were appointments.

  • I can offer a 10% discount on personal training services for folks who are enrolled in the Personalized Program, offered in-person in my West Asheville studio, or on Zoom. This option is very much limited by my schedule, but if I can fit you in, I’d love to work with you! Email me at to inquire about rates and availability.



  • Email me!

  • If you are on a Mythical Journey, we will meet once before I issue you your program. If you sign up again for a new program, we’ll meet at the beginning of each new program over Zoom. I do recommend renewing the program each time it’s completed, as your body will become accustomed to the same workouts and your progress will stall.

    If you’re on Legendary Quest, we will be checking in every 4-6 weeks on Zoom, depending on if you’re working out 2 or 3 times/week.

  • If you’re on this page, you’ve already paid for your program.

    When you’re ready for a fresh program, email me and I will take a payment over Venmo.

  • I have filmed and included videos with descriptions of how to do most exercises in your program. Only very occasionally will I use an exercise that I don’t have a video for.

    If you aren’t finding the information you need in my video, and you need help urgently, I suggest searching on youtube. There are 1000s of videos of excellent trainers explaining exercises in depth.

  • I can write programs for you whether you're working out at home or in a gym, but if you're working out at home you may need to invest in some basic equipment. In the long-term, if you're going to be working out at home, you may decide to build a small home gym into your space, as routines can get monotonous and you will only be able to progress so far with light weights.

  • If you're working out at home, you will need to invest in some basic equipment. In the longer-term, if you're going to continue working out at home, you will probably need to continue building your home gym so that your program can continue progressing.

  • You will be able to use my training platform QuickCoach on a web browser or on your phone no need to download an app onto your phone!

  • I believe in body-autonomy. That means that you own your body and you call the shots. Will alcohol impinge your body's ability to recover from workouts? Definitely. Will drinking the night before make it harder for you to perform as well on your workout, and make movement less enjoyable? Probably. Am I going to forbid you from putting anything you want in your body? Never. Do I recommend, if you want to get as much out of your program as possible, you minimize alcohol and not drink the night before a training session? Definitely. Make informed decisions, but otherwise, you do you, boo.

  • As an anti-diet trainer, I do not recommend tracking your food intake. This won't necessarily happen to you, but up to 25% of people who engage in dieting behaviors (and this is one of them) develop an eating disorder. This is what happened to me in my 20s -- I developed an eating disorder called orthorexia, which is a disordered and very harmful obsession with eating healthy.

    I work through a body positive, anti-diet framework because I do not agree with the diet industry and its dependence on us all believing we're simultaneously not good enough, and too much. Our bodies are not the problem; the multi-billion dollar diet industry is.

    If you're working with me, you're probably trying to move away from diet culture. I HIGHLY recommend the book Intuitive Eating, which gives a thorough, multi-step process of unlearning a diet mindset and developing a healthy, balanced relationship with food. This book was a huge turning point for me while healing from my ED, though it is not a treatment for EDs. If you're struggling with an ED, please get help from a licensed therapist or eating disorder specialist.

  • How does your body feel? How is your digestion? Do you have enough energy? Do you get upset or impatient when you're hungry? How would it feel if you ate a little less processed food and a little more unprocessed? What vegetables do you like? What junk foods do you love? A healthy diet has room for ALL the foods we enjoy eating, without guilt or shame, and also supports our nutritional needs.

    I HIGHLY recommend the book Intuitive Eating, which offers a thorough, multi-step process of unlearning a diet mindset and developing a healthy, balanced relationship with food.

  • This program is not a subscription, so there’s no need to cancel anything - you will not be automatically billed for anything.

    That said, once you’ve paid for your program and we’ve met over Zoom, you’re in and I will be sending you your workouts within a week. Beyond this point, I do not offer refunds - whether or not you complete your workouts. I’ll definitely send you a program, but whether or not you keep up with your workouts is up to you.